The world is our territory
SPMJ reaches the entire planet with partner agencies on all continents.
It is a consolidated channel to re-enforce global brands inside Brazil and to support those who are initiating a global launch.
From reputable laboratories to large aviation companies, renowned research institutes and companies leading their sectors, the varied portfolio of SPMJ is proof of success as a differentiating factor.
We have the solutions for modern communication and are aligned with the international market for each necessity, whatever your area of focus may be.
This is what we have been doing since 1986, in the pre-globalized era and without internet. Our company already had this advanced strategy ahead of the times.
/ services
The experience of dealing in distinct segments of the market helps us to plan a better strategy of communication, reconciling the necessities of each company with whatever is the most innovative and modern in the informational world.
Prepare for your press conference and avoid problems
At a press conference, it is not advised to deliver unhappy, incorrect or poorly elaborated news: that is the quickest way to poison your corporate image. But we offer the efficient anecdote: training in the relation between press conferences and the press, simulating real situations, such as interviews or announcements about any topic, with the support of a video team that specializes in behavior, as well as providing an analysis of the vision of the media about your sector.
Train your spokesperson and avoid problems
A spokesperson is not allowed to make hapless, inaccurate or poorly worded statements: they are the fastest way to poison your corporate image. But we offer the effective antidote: training in the relationship between the spokesperson and the press, simulating real situations, such as interviews or pronouncements on any topic, with the support of a video team and behavioral experts, in addition to providing analysis on the media views of your industry.
Communication is also corporate
Communication is not limited to readers and telecasters: the area of corporate communication is fundamental to optimize the efficiency of the work of a company. And it is not only aimed at your internal environment, but abridges also consumers, partners and different institutions. For good corporate communication, we conduct internal and external opinion surveys (interest groups) and analysis of tendencies and scenarios, as well as partnerships with consultants and agencies specialized in direct marketing and propaganda.
A crisis happened: what do I do?
Any business is subject to adverse situations or unexpected problems. Our solution: prepare yourself before to be able to confront those crises, which could be fatal for your image if they are poorly managed. For thirty years SPMJ has been developing programs to orient companies and executives to manage crises and controversial situations, training them to speak adequately with the media, third parties, community or public at large. For each crisis, a solution.
How to circulate on social media
Today social media reaches into all corners, so of course there is the necessity to orient companies about the appropriate management of these tools, which become essential in relating to their clients and in building a positive corporate image. We know how to elaborate personalized positioning which will generate the best results for your brand.
Sifting through news
The volume of information that circulates daily is enormous, much of it incorrect, confusing or incomplete. How do we separate the jewels from the trash? Allow the division of SPMJ, specialized in monitoring news and tendencies in Brazil and the world, locate, filter and prioritize the contents that could most interest your business. From there, we track specific trends that will guarantee a good image of your company – all with daily monitoring through bulletins and analysis.
What do people think of your company?
The virtues of a company are of little importance if the perceptions of the market and of consumers about the image or reputation are not positive – at the end of the day, this is what prevails, generating undesired assumptions. Therefore, it is essential to research and analyze those perceptions to be able to create a better communication strategy to reinforce, revert or correct rumors. And this is another specialty of SPMJ.
News in view
Other than constant spreading of news in the print media and digital media, many companies develop their own periodical publications, as a way of widening the sharing of content about themselves. It could be a paper magazine, a newsletter, a blog, or even an informative pamphlet. It depends on your personalized communication plan that our company knows how to create, thanks to much experience.
Events bring attention and profit
Holding events, as long as they are planned with the strategy of constant communication, brings positive results, as SPMJ has shown since 1986, when we began to organize them. And for each sector there is a more effective type of event, from road shows for the finance community to attract new investors, to large public events, like the inauguration of shopping centers. It is an opportunity to bring together many people on one occasion and spread, in an efficient manner, the desired content.
/ timeline
Our know-how from more than 30 years in communication services, projects with Brazilian and international companies, has brought with it many exciting experiences. See some highlights from this history:

Global Alliances
SPMJ joins the Public Relations Network – PRN and expands its partnership with the german agency Sympra to serve Leadec; Pan Communications, in the campaign to launch Israeli Personetics in Brazil; and Finn Partners, serving IEEE, NETSCOUT and BMC Software
New Offices
With continuous plans of expansion in Brazilian and international markets, SPMJ grew, added new clients and businesses, and moved to a new building, with spacious offices to service the growing demands of our clients. The new offices are modern, well-located and well-planned for our agency to work with segments of the market that are increasingly diversified, offering innovative services and new communication tools.

New brand of SPMJ
To better communicate its activities and global positioning, SPMJ renovated its brand and launched a new site in May of 2017. The new logo uses a more modern font, with a design that transmits stability and new horizons. The site, also remodeled, presents the principal image and successes of the agency with friendly language and a more sophisticated design.

Agency ProEXPO of China
SPMJ begins to work in the Chinese market through a partnership with the Agency ProEXPO, specialized in corporate communication in the industry of electronic products. With this, SPMJ adds yet another client to its portfolio: Microlab, one of the principal providers of wireless speakers, launching, exclusively in Brazil, the series M200 Platinum.

Communication in the skies: in 2010, OceanAir becomes Avianca, and SPMJ is the agency responsible for the company’s campaign in this new phase.

Proexport Colombia
In plain international expansion, SPMJ is chosen as one of the four best agencies among the 18 which attend, globally, Proexport Colombia, an organization connected to the Ministry of Industry, Commerce and Tourism of Colombia. The award took into account the results reached by the agencies in their countries to incentivize the influx of tourists and attraction of new types of investments for Colombia. SPMJ Comunicação supported Proexport Colombia to promote commercial trade and international tourism between the countries, the focus of the organization.

Pinnacle Worldwide
SPMJ begins to integrate, as the only Brazilian member, with the (now dissolved) Pinnacle Worldwide, an association with its central office in the United States, joining together 70 independent communications companies around the world. The objective is to promote business among the associates to offer integrated packages of communication to international clients.

Allison Transmission
After only four years of business, SPMJ is already bound to reach the world: winning the account of Allison Transmission (General Motors Group), conducting educational campaigns for the press in the principal countries of Latin America, about the benefits of the automatic shift in medium and heavy vehicles, with emphasis on the contribution of the equipment to the health of motorists in urban transport.

The birth of SPMJ
Created in 1986, SPMJ is born in the effervescence of a new global context: innovative media technologies begin to appear, digital communication positions itself to overtake the old barriers, inclined to make virtual movement the new daily rhythm.
/ clients
The portfolio of SPMJ is filled with national and international clients, a challenge that few agencies are able to sustain for as long as we have. See some companies which have helped to build our story and who trust SPMJ:

/ press releases
NETSCOUT Reports Second Quarter Fiscal Year 2023 Financial Results
BMC Assures Revenues for Retailers with Control-M
BMC Helix Delivers Elevated Customer Experiences in the Cloud
NETSCOUT Advanced Network Detection and Response Findings Enrich Amazon Security Lake
BMC Survey Confirms Mainframe As Platform For Innovation
/ contact
Want to begin an incredible project together? The SPMJ team is ready to serve your company with diverse services of communication.
Contact us and tell us how we can help you.
SPMJ Brazil
+55 (11) 3289-2699
R. Haddock Lobo, 1307, Cerqueira César
Conjunto 22
São Paulo, SP, Brasil
CEP 01414-906